All in Yoga

Pay It Forward

I don’t share a lot about my physical journey, it doesn’t feel natural to do so for me. Recently more people have been asking me, so I decided to celebrate a ‘big’ success moment. I do, however, frequently share about my yoga journey. Being able to express my struggles, triumphs, moments of acceptance, and moments of growth feel more meaningful than sharing numbers on a scale or sizes printed on tags. I share because I hope that my happiness can inspire someone to start their own journey.

Someone Like Me, Something Like That

I’ve always been a bit different. Sure, everyone is. It seems to me that despite all being different, the majority of people are still dancing to the same beat. Humans by nature tend to follow the strongest beat, locked together in a robotic step towards predetermined notions of success and happiness all the while missing the spaces in between the beats. To me, these spaces are where expression happens. These spaces are where we take the dance we know as life, and make it something that is entirely our own.


I’ve always overextended myself. Committing to projects, groups, and events because I hate saying no, or for it to seem like I’m unable to handle any and everything thrown at me. Slowly the yeses start to be more weight than I can handle. More time to spend on everything and everyone other than myself. I would spend more time and energy doing for others that I would forget to not just do the things that matter to me but, often, to just take care of myself. I would worry myself so much about letting anyone down that I let everyone down by not being able to present my best possible self. 

What Mat-ters

I was approaching yoga how I was approaching life and both were resulting in an incredibly unnecessary amount of anxiety. Taking the lessons I learn on my mat can fundamentally change how I approach everything coming at me off my mat.