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Building from the Ground Up

Building from the Ground Up

Hi, it’s me, Drea. It’s been more than a hot minute and I’m sorry. It would be an understatement to say things got a little hectic here the last few months. But, at the end of the day that’s just an excuse. I haven’t been making time for this, for me.

As usual this thought occurred to me in class, specifically Monday night when struggling from revolved crescent moon to reverse dancer, and again this morning when toppling over in bird’s of paradise. I have been so focused on the bend, on the reach, on the bind, on pushing myself further that I wasn’t stable in my foot. I haven’t been setting my foundation.

I find more and more frequently where I struggle on my mat is representative of where I’m struggling off of it. This has been no different. I practice most often with people who are ‘better’ than I am. Stronger, more capable, and it’s hard. I feel left behind, less than. Many of my friends are married, have kids, are stable in their careers. I’m not. I feel left behind, less than.

When you’re as competitive as I am this can lead to a dangerous game of catch-up. Get stronger faster, do more, do it better, build it bigger, keep up. But in that push it’s easy to lose my base. Building an addition on an unstable foundation is a recipe for disaster.

Over the next few weeks I’m going back to basics. Making time and space to set my foundation. Time to plan more, time to reflect, time to write.

A lot has happened over the past few months. We’ll get to all of it, just give me some time to get there.

Do Your Work

Do Your Work

When The Time Is Right

When The Time Is Right