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Easy Weeknight Meals

Easy Weeknight Meals

Because we’re tired and deserve good meals, y’all.

I am the primary chef in our home, which is a blessing and a curse. When I meal plan, I tend to be overly ambitious, leading to a meltdown on Thursday because the idea of cooking feels exhausting. Additionally, because I cook, I don’t do the dishes, so I don’t always think about the wreckage of my projects because they aren’t technically my problem. However, my sweet husband deserves a break from my aftermath in exchange for dealing with all the nonsense I throw his way.

When I’m tired, I don’t want to just make mac and cheese or ramen. Don’t get me wrong, those things are delicious and have their place, but I want to feel good after meals, and ramen or mac isn’t always the answer. We recently had a too lazy to cook night, DoorDashed a pizza and they delivered six, so we’re shying away from delivery for a hot minute. Have you ever had to figure out how to store FIVE additional pizzas?? NOT IDEAL.

After one of our favorite weeknight meals (OhSnapMacro’s Taco Mac & Cheese), someone responded to my IG story that they were looking for easy weeknight meals with minimal dishes and effort. As much as I love the Taco Mac, it does dirty a few vessels. Because of who I am as a person, I pulled together a list of recipes that we love AND require minimal effort to send their way. You’re getting them as a bonus. Definitely not because I already had them in a Google Doc, and I love to repurpose content (it’s the scrappy marketer in me).

Sheet Pan Meals

Honey Dijon Chicken - Inquiring Chef has three recipes on this list for a reason. They’re approachable, easy, and delicious. 

Roasted Gnocchi - I’m convinced dry cooking gnocchi is the superior method. Full stop. We are also recent Blackstone converts and have done this on the griddle with tremendous success.

One Pot Meals

Turkey Tater Tot Casserole - If you are going into this one with leftover plans, hold off on the tater tots and crisp them up before you need that serving. Otherwise, just know they will be a bit soft but still delicious. 

Creamy Chicken Fajita Pasta

Pollo Loco 

Cheesy Turkey Chili Mac


Black Bean Goat Cheese Quesadillas - Trevor requested these during Lent because his mom used to make them. He’s a hesitant meat abstainer, but nostalgia is always a strong motivator. Because we’re a duo, we had a lot of extra filling that we used as a dip for the week.

Spicy Brussie Bowls - Trevor would legit eat this once a week if I did it. Buying shredded brussies helps immensely, or using the food processor rather than individually slicing brussies.

Shrimp Dumpling Bowls - We use pork, and it’s excellent!

Beef & Broc Ramen Stir Fry

Top of the morning TO YOU!

Top of the morning TO YOU!