
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you find something that resonates with you. Have great day!



I have never watched the show Rick and Morty but there’s a meme I saw on Tumblr forever and ever ago that spoke to me on a spiritual level. You can see it HERE

A few months ago as I was walking through LaGuardia, trying to get my steps for the day in, trying not to cry because I didn’t want to leave New York, because I was facing the prospect of leaving the security of my job, I mumbled to myself, “get your shit together.” And because I use snacks for comfort (knowing your shit and overcoming your shit are two different things) I popped into a little store to get Chex Mix and a Diet Coke. Right next to the checkout was a book, “Get Your Sh*t Together.” Was it a sign? Maybe. Was it well placed merchandising? Definitely. I bought it. I read most of it on the flight back.

It is utterly clear to me that I do NOT have my shit together. Though many people tell me I do, I assure you, I do not. It isn’t even close to together. My shit is so not together that a backpack or a carry-on wouldn’t be sufficient to get it together. I would need one of those POD moving things for my shit at this point. I digress. This is Book Club, not therapy time*.

High Level It For Me

Written by Sarah Knight, of The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving A F*ck, fame GYST is part memoir, part instructional guide for those struggling to stop worrying/whining/procrastinating and start doing the things you want to do. The blend of self-deprecation, practical bad-assery, and salty language is right in my wheelhouse.

Highlighted It

  • “They’ve perfected the illusion of having their shit together, operating under the mistaken belief that being in demand, booked up, and perennially under the gun equals ‘winning.’ They masquerade as busy little bees and perfectly productive overachievers - but their shit is on struggle mode even if you can’t see it.”

  • “Just because you are doing a ton of shit all day, every day, does NOT mean you have your shit together.”

  • “Turns out goal-setting doesn’t have to be about aspiring to what you want to be, so much as putting an end to what you don’t want to be.”

Should I Read This?

Is your shit together?

Really? Is it?

No? Didn’t think so. Read the book. Read it now. You can borrow it from me, but I need it back because I’m going to read it again.

Lessons Learned

  • Negative Thinking is an amazing tool to kickstart change. For real.

  • Keys + Wallet + Phone System

  • I am a Simon, or in the Chipette frame of reference Jeanette.

  • GYST together Bingo is brilliant and mostly helps me keep myself going when I get off track.

  • My shit is still not together, but it’s getting there.

*LOL, joke’s on you, this whole website is therapy time.

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Fine Lines

Fine Lines

But I'm So Small

But I'm So Small