Building from the Ground Up

Hi, it’s me, Drea. It’s been more than a hot minute and I’m sorry. It would be an understatement to say things got a little hectic here the last few months. But, at the end of the day that’s just an excuse. I haven’t been making time for this, for me. 

True North

It hit me like a ton of bricks. I worried so much about what was expected of me, what other people wanted, and put their needs above mine that I never took the time to find my own path. Finding and facing my true north became my mantra, I also knew that my path might take me away from relationships with people and things and that’s ok because my people and my things would stay connected when I found my path.

Who? Me?

The idea behind Namasdre is to share my life, and hopefully, relate my struggles and joys to yours. I wanted you to read this, I’m happy you’re here, I wanted these words to have an impact. In theory, those things are great. In practicality, they are great but, I’m still adjusting. People, you, want to talk to me about it. Don’t you know I still have weight to lose, like...a lot? I had a cookie for breakfast? I still can’t do any sort of arm balance? There are things sitting on my to do list from last month? How can you find value in what I’m saying when I’m a mess? And in that last question is the key.

Let's Get Local

I’m passionate about my hometown. Which I may or may not have made clear. Supporting local businesses is close to my heart because it helps Kansas City grow and evolve. Beyond the economic reasons, I want to create relationships with people and places. I love that there are two or three coffee shops I can walk into and they know what I’m going to order or recommend something new I might like. I make a point to explore my home, experience new things, and share my favorites.


I pride myself on being careful, thoughtful with my choice of words, thinking through not only what I’m trying to convey but also how my words will be received. However, recently I began to question if that was truly the case or if I was putting in just enough effort to call it good.


Let's Get Happy, KC!

Nothing makes me happier than sending someone to one of my favorite places and hearing they loved it. I wanted to share a few with you starting with Happy Hour! My girlfriends and I love cheese, small plates, discounted drinks, and quality time together which is perfectly suited for HH. Looking for a little post work relaxation? Here’s where I recommend.

The Four Agreements

I wasn’t weighed down by my excessive amount of bags, it was the feeling of failure and the fear of it. Why though? Because I missed one run? Because I hadn’t finished this post? Because I took longer to learn a new process this week than I wanted to? I talked myself into my own fresh hell. The idea that we create this hell for ourselves by agreeing to it and that we can change our state by forming new agreements is the premise of Dong Miguel Ruiz’ The Four Agreements.

We have liftoff

I don’t like falling. I don’t like things that include the risk of me getting hurt. I tend to hold back a little to keep myself safe, maybe more than a little. Knowing this about me you can imagine discovering that crow pose, or bakasana, would become a regular part of my practice induced more than my usual amount of anxiety. This came about the same time I decided, at thirty years old, to learn how to ride a bike. All of a sudden there was the potential for a lot of falling in my life and that didn’t sit well with me.


Scary Close

I built a career around managing and maintaining relationships, it’s what I do best. In sales, client management, project management, being able to building productive relationships is the key to success. When people know you care about them and will go to bat for them, they’re more willing to help you out when you need it. I’m good at relationships, except...maybe...I’m not.